About Us
Who We Are
ElectricIR™ is a national network of certified thermographers who have been specifically trained in the application of electrical and mechanical thermography.
To become a member of our network each contractor is required to first be certified through Level II or higher so they have the competence we expect of them. Level II means they have studied advanced theory and equipment operation for quantitative thermal imaging and temperature measurement for P/PM, condition monitoring, quality assurance and forensic investigations. We also require them to use a camera with a resolution of 320 x 240 or better to achieve the clearest photos for examination and analysis.
ElectricIR™ is owned by United Infrared Services, Inc., and we are dedicated to the high standards.
Board of Directors

Gregory R. Stockton is the president of Stockton InfraredThermographic Services, Inc.
Gregory R. Stockton, M.CIT is President of United Infrared, Inc. (www.UnitedInfrared.com) , and two other thermal imaging companies (www.StocktonInfrared.com) and (www.ThermalImagingPartners.com).
Greg has an extensive background in the construction industry –specializing in maintenance and energy-related technologies. Mr. Stockton has been a certified, practicing infrared thermographer since 1989. He has published thirty+ technical papers and written numerous articles about applications for infrared thermography. He is a member of the Program Committee of SPIE (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers) Thermosense Conference and is Chairman of the Buildings & Infrastructures Session at the Defense and Security Symposium.
Mr. Stockton’s experience in thermal imaging and the on-going work of United Infrared, Inc., continues to be a valuable resource for electrical contractors wanting to explore the opportunities in thermal imaging of electrical switchgear, and to thermographers and contract service providers in general –by helping them with contract bid services, IR training, IR imager rentals/sales and technical, marketing and sales consulting.

Peter Hopkins is a Level II Certified Thermographer and the Owner & President of InspecDoc Inspection Services, Inc. (www.inspecdoc.com), the parent company of SoCal Infrared (www.socalinfrared.com).
Peter Hopkins is a Level III Certified Infrared Thermographer and the Owner & President of InspecDoc Inspection Services, Inc. (www.inspecdoc.com), the parent company of SoCal Infrared (www.socalinfrared.com). Peter has been in the building inspection and evaluation business for over 20 years, servicing most of Southern California as multi-inspector firm with several of the inspectors certified in thermography.
Peter completed a certificate major in Construction Inspection with Academic Honors from Palomar College in Southern California. Peter was the recipient of a Scholarship from ICC (International Code Council, www.iccsafe.org) and currently holds five certifications as a Residential Combination Inspector, Building Inspector, Electrical Inspector, Mechanical Inspector and Plumbing Inspector.
He is a Certified CREIA Inspector and a New Construction Specialist with The California Real Estate Inspection Association (www.creia.org) and has served in various volunteer leadership positions within organization. Peter has personally performed over 6000 Real Estate evaluations and over 1000 energy audits.

Technical Director
As Technical Director of ElectricIRTM, Dr. Madding will provide training and technical support for all of the ElectricIRTM member contractors. He has been a practicing infrared thermographer since 1972 and is considered a pioneer within the infrared industry. In 1978, he started the first infrared thermography seminar at the University of Wisconsin extension and in addition he co-founded the Thermosense Conference in 1978. He has over 35 years experience in infrared thermography applications and training, has published numerous technical papers and has contributed many technical chapters in text books on infrared thermography. As Director of Training for the infrared Training Center (ITC), Dr. Madding was was a senior instructor and developed training course materials for many of the ITC course offerings. Dr. Madding wrote software and developed algorithms for electrical load corrections amongst other infrared applications. In 2000, he founded the InfraMation Conference, currently the largest infrared applications conference in the world. He is currently the President of RPM Energy Associates, LLC and maintains the highest level certification available with the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) for thermography testing.
Dr. Madding will be teaching the training classes at various locations around the United States and consulting with UI’s thermographers. United Infrared (UI) launched ElectricIRTM as a one stop shop for building managers and corporations with consistent high quality services.

Steam Technical Director
As Steam Technical Director of ElectricIR™, Dean provides training and technical support for all of the ElectricIR Steam Technicians.
Dean Trytten received his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina State University. He then earned his Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, CA.
Captain Trytten served on the following US Navy vessels over the course of 20 years:
- U.S.S. Connole (DE 1056)
- U.S.S. Portland (LSD 37)
- U.S.S. Joseph Hewes (FF 1078)
- U.S.S. Independence [CV 62]
- U.S.S. Nereus (AS-17)
After serving on vessels, Captain Trytten was Ship Superintendent at Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, Force Maintenance Officer at COMNAVSURFPAC, Ship Modernization and Maintenance Branch Head at OPNAV, and as Special Assistant for quality at the NAVSEA’s Inspector General’s office.
After 30 years in the US Navy, Dean Trytten started Anchor Elite, LLC (www.AnchorElite.com) to provide special high performance services and products to the private and public sector.